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Container Tomato Plants

Q.Patio tomato plants dying

Zone 7 | Joey10 added on July 16, 2015 | Answered

I have two patio tomato plants in separate 5 gal. containers on my deck. All told about 5-6 hrs. of sun intermittently because of trees. One came with a tomato on it, even though it was still very small. Being a new gardener, I didn’t know NOT to purchase this one. This has done the worst despite said little tomato ripening and tasted very good.

I’m using all organics as well. This one has been dying from the top, down, leaves yellowing on edges and getting crispy. Although, it’s produced one more little tomato. I should mention these are both in self-watering containers. And yes, I did water from top in beginning. The weird part, in my opinion, is that it’s been growing new green from the bottom! This thing looks pitiful! Lol!

The other is much larger, but now dying from the bottom up! Same yellowing and crispy. One little tomato out with babies coming in though. Plenty of water (I feel) to both. They are disease and wilt resistant and I have continually inspected for bugs. Nothing. I’m ready to give up quite frankly. Any suggestions after my small novella? Oh! And I’ve given them one round of fish fertilizer since giving them organic herb and vegetable fertilizer at planting. Planted about first week in June.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2015

There could be a few things going on.

First the plants may have been stressed from the greenhouse and then moving. (the plants all ready had tomatoes, so they had been in small pots and the greenhouse for quite awhile)
Yellowing leaves can indicate a watering issue, to little or to much. Make sure the containers are well draining. The soil should be damp but not soggy. Soggy soil can lead to root rot.

Full sun is important for tomatoes to grow. 6 to 8 hours of sunlight is needed for full sun conditions.

Also stressed plants become more susceptible to disease and insects.

Here are a few links for you with more information.


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