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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Passiflora Belotii, Will It Host My Bflys Zebra Long Wing And Fritillary?

Zone 33068 | Anonymous added on May 13, 2021 | Answered

It is a recently purchased plant 1 month. I see the gulfs laying eggs but the Baby cats don’t survive

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 14, 2021

Do the baby caterpillars not eat the plant? I understand they won't if it isn't the right plant. Or do they just disappear as if eaten by a predator? It may not like that cultivar of passiflora. I read it is not native.

Here is info about passiflora species:
Here's an article about passion flowers and their associated butterflies. it mentions passiflora incarnata.

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