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Q.Parts of Laurel Hedge Dying

Zone South Of France, Callian 83440 | Anonymous added on April 10, 2020 | Answered

Hi there,

Parts of my laurel hedge has died with one particular area being badly affected so we have cut it right down. We are unsure on why exactly is has happened Could chlorine affect the laurel as it is next to the swimming pool. In the photo you can see where it has died, the middle, left and right. My possible explanation if chlorine was a to affect it would be that as the centre is where the diving board is so people could be dripping chlorine water off them onto the hedge and the two worst affected area would be where water would run when the old patio was down.
Following this, what is the best thing to do at this point ? Should we cut back the dead laurel ? Would that allow better and faster growth for the new laurel to come through ?

Thank-you in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 10, 2020

There are several plants called laurels - is this a bay laurel?

Chlorine is not normally detrimental to plants. However, the tree may have been overwatered with the splashing.If that is the case, replace it with a plant that likes moisture.

Here's an article that may help:

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