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Areca Palm Trees

Q.Papery Leaves On Arcera Palm

Zone 44094 | Anonymous added on March 22, 2022 | Answered

Tissue paper feeling leaves on palm. Not sure if it’s normal but I notice a couple stalks are turning brown. Came with a few brown spots on random leaves. Not sure what is wrong. I have full spectrum grow lights on 9 hrs a day. Water when top inche or so is dry. Must a few times a day. It’s in a self watering pit which I may change to just pebbles under the pot. Not sure what the normal leaf texture is but these seem papery. Not brittle like a dead leaf. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 23, 2022

I believe it's getting too much water. During the fall and winter, you can let it dry out a bit between waterings. In spring and summer you can keep it slightly moist, but not saturated. I have found from experience, it's better to err on the side of too little water, than too much. You can cut back the misting to once a week. Also, it needs bright, indirect light, such as from a south or west window, but not direct sun. Direct sun will turn the leaves yellowish green. Yours looks like it is in front of a glass door, but you say it is also under lights. It may be getting some direct sun in front of the door.

I also would remove the brown stalks. Here is more care information:



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