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Palm Trees

Q.Palm Tree

Zone 92111 | kmazzella added on October 4, 2017 | Answered

My wife and I just bought a place in San Diego and we have 2 large palm trees (though we don’t know which variety!). We have had a few massive dried/dead palm fronds fall to the ground and are afraid we are not caring for it properly. Does anyone know which type of palm this is and what type of care is required (do we water it regularly??)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 4, 2017

That palm looks healthy! There is no need for concern, as those are dried flowers falling. Many palms are self-cleaning like this. It seems as though it is in its proper environment, and seems rather healthy. Here is an article with more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/palms-trees/palm-tree-dropping-fronds.htm

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Answered on October 4, 2017

Thank you for the article, do you know if i should regularly water a palm like this? If so, how often and how much?

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