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Hyacinth Plant


Anonymous added on December 16, 2014 | Answered

I am growing pachysandra (Japanese spurge) in a shady area at 4, 000′ elevation in CA. The planting is about five years old and the plants are getting tall, sparse and leggy in appearance. Should I trim them back or pull and replant? If I need to replant, I need some ideas. I have tried ajuga and thyme but they fail to recover after the winter snows. Thanks!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 16, 2014

If they are getting leggy there, that means that the shade is too deep. You can try trimming it down to reinvigorate, but eventually it will get leggy again. Is there anyway you can thin out the canopy over it? Even a little bit of judicial thinning of the branches overhead will allow a little more light in without disturbing the shaded feel of the location. With just a little more light, the plants should be fine there after trimming.

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