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Oxalis Plant


Zone carbondale, Illinois | Anonymous added on November 13, 2018 | Answered

My plant has gotten very leggy like it is reaching for sun. It is in a south window and I water only when the soil is dry, I put it in a small pot with regular potting soil. It has never bloomed.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 14, 2018

I believe that container is too small for the plant. There are tubers, similar to potatoes under the soil, and they will need a little space to stretch out. They do seem to be reaching a little for the light, but this can also be because the pot is too small. It also looks as if the soil level is a little lower than it should be. They should be planted slightly deeper, as this can cause them to flop over as well.

I see what appears to be a few flower pods that have already withered away These flowers will fade rather quickly.

Also, as an interesting side note: These are edible if you only eat a few leaves. It has a taste similar to green grapes.

This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/shamrock/growing-shamrock-plants.htm

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