Q.Overwintering of fuchsias
I have just read your article on taking care of non hardy fuchsia during the winter. Several of my fuschia are at present in the centre of large hanging baskets and pots. Should I remove them from said pots and repot? Is it better to repot individually in fresh compost or can I put several in a large pot and divide next spring? I am thinking of storing them in my porch, which is unheated apart from strong winter sunshine. Is this suitable, or would they be better in a dark shed which may be susceptible to frost? Sorry to be so silly but this year I have had over twenty new plants and I do not want to lose them.

This article tells about the process involved in putting your fuschia into dormancy. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/fuchsia/fuchsia-winter-care.htm