Q.overwhelmed by harlequin bugs, help!
I garden at a large organic community garden in Denver, CO sponsored by DBG. Last season my produce was decimated by many millions of harlequin bugs. Can you be specific about products I might buy (insecticidal soaps or pesticides containing this spinosad) that will be effective in the fight this year?
Also, what plant hosts or environmental condition might bring in natural enemies, small or large, of this insect? What bird feeding station and seed (??) might bring insect eating birds that could face up to these stinkbugs? Should I be trapping spiders, etc. and transporting them to the garden? How can we make this large garden more balanced so this one species does not over run us?
Trees and resulting shade are not usually welcome here except perhaps on the periphery, but any ideas you might have to restore an order where we might lose some small skirmishes but prevail in the big fight would be most welcome.
Here is an article that will help you.