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Peace Lily Plants

Q.Overgrowth of plants

Zone 33327 | Anonymous added on December 30, 2019 | Answered

I had someone recommend and plant ixoras in my front yard about 2 years ago; now with the rains and watering they have grown out but not up. They remain low to the ground, some have even dried up and died. I also have an area with a variety of plants — Peace lilies, designer plant, a ponsietta, etc. They all additionally have gone rogue. I need help clearing out the clutter and training the ixoras to grow straight up

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 31, 2019

Actually, from the photos, it doesn't look as bad as I first envisioned. You just need to dig out the plants you don't want.

Here is an article on reclaiming an overgrown landscape that provides more specific tips.


Your ixora shrubs need moderate to slightly acidic soil in a sunny situation. If they don't get enough light, they may sprawl. Try pruning to encourage more growth. They should grow 4 to 6 feet. Here are care tips:


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