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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Our tulips have shed their blooms

Zone Hillsboro, Oregon | Anonymous added on February 19, 2017 | Answered

The tulips we enjoyed while blooming in the glass vase are done blooming. We would like to plant the bulbs in our garden. How do we prepare the bulbs from the vase to the garden? How far back do we need to cut the stem? Do we need to dry the bulb before planting at this time of the year in our moderate (we expect no more frost) climate? Can the bulbs be planted in our garden at all now? If we can plant, do we need to add bone-meal, or other, to the soil?
Please advise soonest! Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 20, 2017

Tulips can be difficult to re-bloom when they have been forced. It still is worth a try though!
I would remove the bulbs from the water and allow to dry in a cool and dry location.

You can then plant out into the garden this spring.

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