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Q.organic material for garden?

Zone Concord, CA | sstatler added on March 25, 2016 | Answered

I have a small garden, and really don’t have the space or need to do a large compost, or even a small one. I have read I can just dig and drop and rotate filling a few holes. The material I have to work with is coffee, coffee filter, banana peels, apple cores, orange peels, egg shells (mostly) as well as other organic stuff. I read the best thing to do is to find a few places to make a hole between plants and rotate.

My question is…once these multiple holes are full, what do I do then? Do I dig it up and add more compost material or leave it for a season/year? I read that organic material will degrade and to keep adding maybe 1x/month.

I’ve definitely decided to compost this way, but it’s my first time composting. Also, from what I am understanding, egg shells and coffee can continue to be sprinkled on top but other than that, I’m probably not going to be able to put every peel I eat (it’s too much, right?) in the garden.

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