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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 02889 | Ottomel added on February 14, 2016 | Answered

My husband bought me an orchid for Valentine’s Day. It got cold on the way home and the flowers are all wilted. Will it come back? What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 15, 2016

Some species may be killed by cold temperatures, and others may survive brief exposure to cold or below freezing temperatures.
The rate at which symptoms develop may depend on the severity of the exposure and the conditions that the orchid is placed in following the exposure.
The warm indoor location will likely accelerate the symptoms.
I would keep the orchid in a filtered light or even shadier location.
A cool room with high humidity.
Allow the medium to dry and do not water until you see new growth.
Then water with plain water and feed with a very light fertilizer.
You may need to cut the damaged flowers and leaves from the plant.
Always use sterile tools on orchids.


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