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Chili Pepper Plants

Q.One plant in my hydroponic (DWC) setup started to wilt. What are the reasons that affect only one plant to wilt?

Zone Sri Lanka, Hokandara | mwatt678 added on January 23, 2018 | Answered

Hi, I have setup a hydroponic system indoors and planted 6 chilli plants in one bucket. It’s a DWC system where I fill the bucket with water and mix the nutrient solution and submerge the plant roots in it. I have also setup an air pump with dual outlets to aerate the solution. On top I have grow light strips.

The problem is, out of the 6 plants, one started to wilt. I planted them two days ago. I attached some photos of my setup.

Any idea why this is happening?

Best Regards,

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 23, 2018

There are a few things to note here. These lights are more suited to leafy greens that do not require much... With peppers, you will want 50 to 100 watts of light per plant in order for them to produce. I see some stretching in several of the plants.

I run LED myself, but I keep a general rule of about 750 watts to a 5x5 foot area. You might even think about using household LED, if you do not wish to purchase a horticultural grade LED. These can supply a good amount of light, although not as efficiently.

This could also be a nutrient issue, or a pH issue. Do you have a way to manage, and measure these?

And last, it could have something to do with your nutrient line that you are using... What would this be?

I'll be glad to help you further with more information.

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