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Azalea Plants

Q.greenish stuff on azalea plant

Zone Hudson FL | Anonymous added on April 8, 2016 | Answered

On an azalea plant, what is the greenish stuff coming on the twigs of the plant? My azalea bush had green leaves and loads of buds. Some buds opened and then I noticed days later the remaining buds became brown and dead looking. Upon closer inspection, I noticed the twiggy parts (bark) has green powdery looking stuff. I’ve always had azaleas and never had this problem before. It’s only on one bush. What could be the problem and can the plant be saved?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2016

Was there a frost that could have affected those buds? A frost would have turned them brown.

Are there tiny black bristles or spores on the surface of those brown buds? If so, you could have bud blight.

Any signs of insect pests?

My diagnosis would be further aided by a photograph if you are able to send one

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