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Citrus Trees

Q.abandoned plants

Zone 80501 | ginkgopro added on September 12, 2015 | Answered

Somebody abandoned what looks like 3 small citrus trees planted in a large, tallish yogurt type container. Very healthy, very pretty but there is no indication as to what type of citrus it is and I’m skeptical that 3 trees can grow well together, or be successfully separated. If it blooms, can it be identified? I have it under a long LED plant light with my other herb plants. It’s very dry here, and the summers are certainly hot, but now the nights have become quite cool. Could it go out in the summer? I have a curved fencing “arbor” trellis. I cannot stand to kill plants or let them die, and don’t know what to do with this charming orphan. Nor do I know much about care, other than they need light and moist air…Help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 15, 2015

It is unlikely you will determine the type of Citrus trees you have until you see fruits on the plant.
I would just continue to care for them and enjoy the little plants.
Here is a link that will help you with care information.


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