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Olive Trees

Q.Olive tree

Zone France, Dordogne | caburns113@gmail.com added on April 8, 2017 | Answered

We have a olive tree in the garden which used to produce flowers and fruit, though not particularly abundant. However, about 4 or 5 years ago we had a severe winter -18 for a couple of weeks and the olive tree died as did the fig. We cut it down severely thinking to uproot it all together, but in the spring new shoots started to come from the ground around the original tree so we left them to grow and they have. It’s now a lovely looking tree again BUT, we have had no flowers and therefore no fruit. Is it worth persisting with or should we replace it

Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2017

Your tree was likely a grafted tree, so the root stock is unknown.
I believe you would have seen flowers and fruit by this time if it was going to produce.
If your goal is a Olive Tree that will produce, you may want to move on to a new tree.


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