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Burning Bush Plants

Q.Old Burning Bush dropped limb from base

Anonymous added on May 29, 2015 | Answered

Old Burning Bush in full fine condition…dropped a limb from the base of plant. Looks as if some one hacked it away from base. I have a old burning bush that seems to be in full bloom and in fine condition. After quite a bit of rain, a bottom limb seems to have split away from the base. I don’t see any signs of infestation. Should I just cut this away? What else could be going on here? Is this bush in trouble? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2015

I don't think anything is necessarily wrong - it sounds like it suffered a little storm damage. Here is an article that will help you that discusses (with diagrams) storm damage on trees and how to prune branches based on the type of damage that occurred:


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