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Ash Trees

Q.Old Ash Root

Zone Southern Ontario | croccolaura added on September 1, 2020 | Answered

Recently cut down tree mow have a 6 ft sucker that is staked how to maintain, prune

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 1, 2020

It will have the same care as the original. Suckers are a little more hardy than a sapling, or seedling would be. They are attached to a very large root system for their size.

If it requires staking, you may need to look into soil fertility. Lack of silica will make a plant or tree flimsy. These trees should not need to be staked.

This can be corrected with potassium silicate, should a soil test show the need. Just make sure to start slow. Start with 1/4 strength and work up to half strength. Too much and you risk locking out potassium to your tree.

Here are some articles that will prove useful:




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