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Pole Beans

Q.Odd “bloom” On Pole Beans & No Blooms

Zone 37172 | nepcpp added on August 22, 2020 | Answered

I have been raising pole blue lake for 20 & have never seen this before. The only “bloom” is spiky looking. The “seed” in the middle of the bloom is a tiny whitish yellow hard ball. I took pictures – they’re attached. The plants are lush & green – have never bloomed. I haven’t used my soil tester, but I’m sure the lack of blooms is because of either too much or not enough of something. The odd bloom is what’s got me puzzled. Anybody ever see an odd bloom?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 24, 2020

This is odd.

We can give a general term for anomalies, such as this, which have a broad range of causes.

Witches' Broom.

Generally, they can be caused by bacteria, fungi, midges and other pests, genetic mutation, and any number of other DNA destroying problems. It is much more common in woody plants, but any plant can experience the symptoms. This article will explain the phenomenon:


With that being said- The plant is probably useless, and should be pulled up. It will take up space, and may not be as productive as your others.

Here is a collection of articles that will offer some tips on beans:


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