Q.Not ALL My Cosmos Blooms Are Providing Seeds?
Hi! New to growing Cosmos and have been saving the blooms to dry for seeds. Why do some dried blooms not have seeds, while some do? The blooms are all from the same plant. (Early Sensation Mix). I grew them from seed (first time). They have grown really tall (highest was 97 inches high!), but I didn’t see a bloom until almost the end of September! Package says they are early bloomers. We are almost November and they are still blooming! I’ve naturally dried the blooms from collecting cuttings, then saving the spent blooms and leaving them to dry. When I crush them, some provide many seeds, while other don’t. Why is that? Thanks for any light you can shed! Sharron

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If the blooms are still pretty and colorful, that means that the seeds will not be mature. It will be necessary to pick from a flower that has already died and dried. Unfortunately, picking blooms early, you may find that most of the seeds are not viable.
Make sure to allow the flower to die, almost, completely before picking for seeds. This article will help: