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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Northfork pine or northfork island pine

Zone Duluth MN 55812 | Anonymous added on February 25, 2019 | Answered

I bought one 3ft tall over watered it. The tree got hard and brittle. But not brown. The top is showing new growth. How do I care for it? How do I tell the difference between them?(if there is one).

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 26, 2019

From here you will have to drastically change the shape of the tree. Take you hand and gently pull up from the base up to the tip of the tree, as to knock off any dead needles. After this, you will want to wait and see where the new growth is. If it on the tips, then leave the branch alone. If the tip is dead, then cut it off. There is not much to do from here besides watch it and only water when the soil is almost completely dry. If things start turning brown or black, then you will want to apply wettable sulfur to the soil.

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