Q.Norfolk pine dying all of a sudden
My 15 year old Norfolk Pine has drooping branches and those branches have started to die. This right after a new 3-limb shoot has grown out about 4 inches. I have replaced the top 3 inches of the dirt with fresh dirt, no luck, I let it dry out completely and then watered thoroughly, no luck, I moved it to a warm highlight sun room, began misting the branches and still no luck. I do not know what else to do to try and save it.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It may be a yew. In scooping out the top 3 inches of soil, you may have disturbed/destroyed the all-important absorbing roots in the top soil layer. This would cause wilting and possible severe set-back. It may recover in time as it puts out new roots into the new soil layer.
Drainage holes are all important. Neither of those plants can tolerate sitting in water. Whether a yew or Norfolk Pine, both are susceptible to root rot. I've attached a few articles that should help.