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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Norfolk pine

Zone 27832 | Anonymous added on March 5, 2018 | Answered

If there seems to be 7 norfolks in 1 pot. If they only have 1 stem then there are 7. Should I replant them separately? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2018

Could you separate the plants? Yes, but I would not really recommend it. unless you plan on planting your Norfolk Pine outdoors.
If your temperatures drop below freezing, you should not plant directly into the soil, but leave your Norfolk Pine in a container.
Norfolk's tend to drop their lower leaves, leaving the plant as is will result in a nicer and fuller plant.

If you do choose to separate the plants, you could lose some of the plants due to transplant shock.
They have likely been growing together in the nursery for some time and the root systems are very intertwined.


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