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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Norfolk Island pine

Zone 02136 | tisagift added on July 11, 2016 | Answered

We have a 12″ very sentimental Norfolk Island Pine tree. It was outside for the summer (in its pot) and a squirrel uprooted it and chewed off the roots. So the tree (again 12″ inches in height and about the width of a pencil) has one main leader a few inches long (like the underground trunk) as well as one small root attached to this. The rest of the roots were severed. Can I save the tree and get it to re-grow roots? I put it in water and then wet soil immediately. Should I use a hormone rooter powder and, if so, what kind? Also, what is the best type of soil mix for this? Thank you very much! This tree was my late grandmother’s houseplant!! Thank you! Tara

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 12, 2016

You can try to repot the plant and hope for the best.
Trim away any damaged roots and choose a pot that the roots will be quite snug in.
Keep the soil moist but never soggy.
If you see new growth, your plant will most likely survive.


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