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Hyacinth Plant

Q.no flowers in 4 years

Anonymous added on July 22, 2015 | Answered

I hope this is a picture of my wisteria falls. It keeps growing but no flowers in 4 years. I have put bone meal in roots, I have cut roots out 2 feet from the plant with shovels, I have not trimmed the growths in winter. Should I trim some of the growths that are just bunching up together? I am just about to give up on this plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 22, 2015

Ok, if its growing environment is good (and it certainly looks healthy), this can be crossed off the list assuming that it receives plenty of sunlight. You have given it phosphorus, so this too can be knocked off the list. Pruning shouldn't be a problem either, so that leaves its age as a possible factor for non-blooming. If grown from seed or cutting, it simply may not be old enough yet for flowering. Typically, wisteria plants do not reach maturity until 7-15 years.

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