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Strawberry Plants

Q.No Berries On New Everbearing Strawberries, What Can I Do?

Zone zone 6 | krystalmk added on June 9, 2020 | Answered

Hi, I purchased 4 everbearing type plants in May, filled a tub with Miracle Grow soil (I think it was the garden kind, not potting), got the plants settled in, and they seem to be doing well except that, aside from a few nice berries, they have not produced any more. Even the flowers are gone. The plants are not crowded, so that can’t be the reason. They have had plenty of rain and sun. I water them on dry days, like today (hot and windy, I will water tonight). I wonder if they need phosphorus or something? I have a small kit I could use to test the soil. I do notice small brown leaves at the base of each plant. Or is that normal? I cut away all but one which you can see in the photo. Here I was looking forward to a nice harvest of berries. Those that I got—about four—were very tasty. But nothing since. So what can I do to help these plants?? Thanks~

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 10, 2020

Give it time. You may not see bountiful harvests for 2 or 3 years. They need, at least, a month to sprout the first sign of roots in recovery, typically.

Care for them as they should be, and don't overfeed with nitrogen, and they will produce more than just a handful of berries after a few years.

Here is an article to help you with container strawberries:


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