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Q.Nightmare Location

Anonymous added on March 12, 2014 | Answered

My garden in Scotland is excessively windy. We are at 800 ft in an exposed area and it rains a lot! I’m desperate to have a garden, even if I have to plant out each year. This isn’t to say things don’t survive at all. I’ve got honeysuckle and a clematis that did really well last year and survived our obscene frosts, and last year I had sweet peas that went on for weeks and weeks. But I’d love some advice on choosing plants for this location so that one day at least parts of my garden will be mature. We have walls in each direction, as we are in a courtyard, which is my only real protection from the wind, but as I say the weather is not that great.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 12, 2014

Growing anything under less than ideal conditions, such as harsh winds, is not an easy thing to do. That being said, it's not impossible either. You could try looking for native plants, as these are well adapted to the conditions of your area. This article may offer some suggestions as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/spaces/wind-resistant-plants-for-your-windy-garden.htm

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