Q.newly planted honeycrisp apple tree
I bought a new Honey Crisp apple tree (semi-dwarf) 6 weeks ago. All the leaves have fallen off. It is still alive, but I am wondering if it will survive and what I can do to help it?
I planted 2 other apple trees at the same time – a Gala and a fruit cocktail tree. Both of them are doing fine (so far). Gala has new growth and the fruit cocktail doesn’t have new growth, but most of the leaves are still on it. Both of those trees look like they will make it. All 3 trees planted the same way – used fertilizer, watered, etc.
My Honey Crisp is just a stick now.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like your honeycrisp has transplant shock, which is common in recently planted trees. See these articles for advice: