Q.Newly installed st Augustine grass turning brown
There are spots of the newly installed grass that is brown and dying. It is getting enough water so what else can I do to save it?

You should be watering your sod two times per day for 15-20 minutes. Our recommended times are (8:00 am, and 1pm). After 2 weeks please shut off your water for 1-2 days and let your SOIL dry out a little bit so that you can walk on it.
After your lawn becomes established it requires approximately 1 ½ inches of water per week, ½ inch every other day, during the heat of the summer. Spring and fall may only require once or twice a week watering depending on weather conditions. Cut water back during the winter, sometimes your lawn will only require watering once or twice a month, depending on weather conditions.
The soil should be soaked through when watered. Water should penetrate at least 6 inches into the soil to insure deep rooting.