Q.New To Gardening
I have planted a garden–zucchini, green bean bushes, lettuce, peppers, four okra, and two tomato plants. I have done lots of reading and have planted correctly, but do not know how high to expect the various plants to grow or what the various stages of growth look like. Will Romaine lettuce have to be picked as a head, or gathering leaves? Height of bell pepper and green gean bushes? What does an okra stalk look like in the growth process?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Romaine can be harvested either as a head or as a loose leaf, cut and come again leaf lettuce. Which is up to you, but if you spaced them apart, it is probably best to wait for a head to develop to harvest.
Peppers and bush beans will get about 3 feet high. Sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little shorter. It depends on the conditions they are grown in.
Okra looks alot like a mallow flower. Typically, it will grow upwards as one stalk.