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Lemon Trees

Q.New leaves on my lemon tree are all a deep red colour

Zone Midlands | eddiecarron added on July 16, 2012 | Answered

My container lemon tree has been placed outdoors for the summer and has recently sprouted lots of new leaves, which is great, but they are all a deep, dark red colour. Is this normal?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 25, 2012

This can happen for a few reasons, but most likely it is either due to a nutrient deficiency or because the plant is growing in very bright sunlight.

I would give the plant some balanced fertilizer and unless you see any other symptoms, such as yellowing leaves or spots on leaves, don't worry about it. If the fertilizer does not correct it, then it is likely just a defense mechanism that some plants have when they are in very harsh light. New leaves can grow out initially red to protect them from the sun and then as they mature will develop their normal green color.

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