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Lawn Problems

Q.new grass

Zone St.Catharines, Ont. Canada | cgale6 added on July 21, 2016 | Answered

Planted grass seed in May this year (Scott’s easy turf). Watered as directed. Looked great when it started growing, but after about a month and a half, it was laying down and looked more like moss. Still the same after all this time, the grass is like baby fine hair. Tried to fluff it up thinking it was too long, cut it with scissors. A lawn mower has not been used on it at all. Thinking it was too wet, I did not water for a couple of days. Live in southwest Ontario, we haven’t had any rain to speak of since planting. Will grass come back? This is a very shaded area with a maple tree, and a evergreen. This grass seed is supposed to be able to grow anywhere. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2016

Just a couple of thoughts: Have you done a soil PH test to see if the soil is lacking some nutrient it might need? And secondly, grass only needs about 1" of water per week under normal weather conditions to look great. Watering twice a week deeply is better than watering lightly everyday..

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