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Hyacinth Plant

Q.New Bareroot Roses

Anonymous added on March 24, 2014 | Answered

I’m a lttle concerned about some new bareroot roses I’ve planted with some more 32 degree weather coming in middle TN. Any precautions I should take? I also have one rose bush that I have recently transplanted. I’m sort of worried about this one too. What can I cover them with?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 25, 2014

I highly recommend that you buy some items called Wall-O-Water starters. They are usually light green in color. You place a five gallon bucket over the bush, the place the Wall-O-Water thing over the bucket and fill each little tube on it with water up to about 3 inches from the top of each tube. Once you have all the tubes filled with water remove the 5 gallon bucket. The top parts will collapse inward and form what looks a bit like a tee pee. It they do not totally close up help them to do so by grabbing hold of all of the tubes together and squeeze, some water may squeeze out the top and that is just fine. The wall o water things act like a mini greenhouse and help keep the temps more constant within them. Great protectors and great to get bare root roses off to a good start. I also water my bare root roses with some water that had root stimulator and Super Thrive along with two tablespoons of Epsom Salts in it. This mix helps them deal with any stresses they are going through as well as gets the roots going.

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