Q.Nettle plant
I am planning to make the Nettle fertilizer (quick method) in this proportion: 4 ounces leaves and stems and 4 cups boiling water, dilute it and save it in BIG bottles. My question is: how long does it stay “usable” and where do I store it.
I wanted to water ALL my plants with it but I see it’s not good for roses and tomatoes. How about geraniums, hydrangeas, orchids, indoor plants and other flowers?
Thank you,

The Nettle brew needs to steep for a few weeks, up to 2 to 3 weeks.
This will need to be in uncovered containers, and it will get stinky!
After the brewing time you remove the plant material and you are left with the very strong Nettle compost tea.
This compost is strong and will need to be diluted 1 part tea to 10 parts water.
Nettle tea does ferment, so do not store in airtight containers.