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Baby Blue Eyes

Q.Nemophilia(BabyBlue Eyes)

Zone 94928 | Morninglory22 added on May 20, 2022 | Answered

A few years back I planted some of these seeds in my yard and the following year a got a flush of these flowers that was so beautiful they didnot come back the next year. This spring i planted them in a pot and i have all this lush tall green foliage but no flowers yet. Do you think I\’ll get flowers soon?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 23, 2022

It sounds like your soil contains a lot of nitrogen. This can cause flowering to halt for some time. You can offset with a flowering mix that contains phosphorus and potassium. This can help, but I think that it will start to flower on its own after some time.

If you are fortunate enough, these annuals will reseed and continue growing in the same container the following year!


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