Q.neem oil/cake
is neem oil/cake good for compost, for keeping unwanted bugs (root eating insects and other non beneficial insects away, i have no garden and am not allowed a window box. i am trying to grow beetroot in a pot but i am not sure if the neem is good for the beetroot. also i am looking to find neem oil spray to spray on the leaves.
so far all i get is buy online there must be stores in kent that sell neem – after all surely the gardening centres, b&q must have heard of it so why if it is any good are they not supplying it.
i live in erith so is there any store or shop where i can buy it. thank you.
the reason for asking is that if it kills the bugs undesirables, can the beetroot be eaten adn does it damage the compost or the vegetable. not much use if the beetroot is going to be oily as well as the compost. as for leaves if sprayed on lettuce leaves can the lettuce leaves be eaten, the idea is to remove the bugs and keep them at bay but i do not want to eat vegetables and lettuce if it is going to cause harm.
and yes i do like a straight answer. not the absurd type.
try watering