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Jasmine Plants

Q.Need To Put Larger Drip Saucer Under Large Plant

Zone 02130 | c_pluta added on November 6, 2023 | Answered

Hi, I have a 5ft Jasmine shrub (may be over 70yrs old) in a pot upstairs in my home. Drips from the pot are damaging the floor. Need to put a larger saucer under the pot. Could not find a proper one so am using a 21″ somewhat flimsy one and keeping the one in use stacking them. Can’t lift the pot to achieve this. Do you know of a method to accomplish this? Suggestions for a sturdier saucer??? Will need to do the same for several other plants but I can repot those without concern. Thanks in advance, Chris

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 6, 2023

Lifting a heavy pot can be challenging. You can use a lever for leverage, a dolly or hand truck, or get assistance from someone. If the pot's contents are heavy, consider transferring them to smaller containers or using lifting straps. Prioritize safety and proper lifting techniques to avoid injury.

If you do not have anything suitable for a saucer, then purchasing one made for your container may be necessary.


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