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Hyacinth Plant

Q.tips on transplanting very large shrub

Zone 7 | robinholly added on November 17, 2015 | Answered

I have a lantana that has grown very large. It is enjoying the south facing site it is in and I plan to keep it there but will move it several feet away from the foundation where it no longer fits.

I want to do the transplanting this fall. The shrub still has green leaves. We have had some frost in the last few days but not a real hard freeze yet.

My question is about physically moving it. The lantana has very long and woody branches. It is approximately 10+’ wide. I’ve moved many shrubs but they were not as wide as this.

First question:
Should I wait until the leaves have dropped? Or move it in late winter instead?

Second question:
Would it be detrimental to prune off the longest branches near the root ball in order to get close enough to dig it out?

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 18, 2015

Before transplanting you may want to consider making divisions from the main plant and starting new plantings.

Early spring or fall would be best times to transplant. Avoid the hot summer months.

Cut the plant back by 1/3, this will help the plant be able to promote new root growth and be able to reduce transplant shock.
Water the plant well the 24 to 48 hours before moving the shrub.

Prepare the new planting location.

Dip up at least 8 inches from the main part of the plant.
Plant it in it's new location with the crown slightly above the soil surface.

Water generously and mulch with a few inches of hardwood mulch.


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