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Elephant Ear Plants

Q.NEED HELP – Elephant plant care!!

Zone j8x3n8 | natashazoryk added on October 12, 2018 | Answered


I just got this elephant ear plant and the leaves on the end are starting to turn a lighter green and the colour isn’t as rich as when I first bought it about a week ago. I also noticed two smaller stems turned yellow and drooped completely to the floor. I have it in a large pot with 3 holes at the bottom, on a plant tray, I have the liquid miracle grow fertilizer in it, and normal potting soil. I keep it in an area that gets enough indirect sun throughout the entire day.

Could it just be an adjusting period since I just repotted it about a week ago?

I appreciate your help!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 15, 2018

Awesome thank you!!

I heard that this needs a lot more light and that is the primary issue. The leaves on the end are getting that faded green colour. It is fall season hear and my heat isn't on yet. Could it be the temperature? I have my humidifier pointing at the plant almost always as well. The soil is a 4 blend mix and contains perlite in it.

I really don't want it to die!

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Answered on October 15, 2018

A bright spot is ideal, although the plant also will grow in medium indoor light. If you've got a really bright window with direct sun and notice that the leaves are bleaching in color or getting brown around the edges, move to a slightly dimmer spot.

If anything's going to go wrong, it'll be overwatering. Don't use heavy potting soil and consider lightening what you do use with a little extra perlite, coarse sand or coir.
If you're using a pot without holes, be careful not to water so much that the soil becomes soggy. Otherwise, place a saucer under a pot with drainage holes so you don't water your carpet! The goal is to keep the soil consistently damp but never bone dry or soggy.

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