Q.navel orange tree
I had a beautiful orange tree with the best oranges for past 5 years. it had never been pruned so I paid a man to trim it because I also saw where a stange other tree was growing in the same roots. now I have hundreds of oranges(?) on it but they look like lemons. these can not be eaten. don’t know what happened or if it can be saved and get back to normal can you please help. tks, ms. joann
You most likely had a grafted orange tree, meaning the top of the tree was from a different variety and had different genetics from the roots of the tree. The rootstock (the variety that the roots came from) has now taken over and is producing the inedible fruits.
Talk to an arborist or a university extension agent to see what can be done. You will probably have to replace the tree. But if there are still a few oranges being produced on one section of the tree, it may be possible to cut out the sections that are producing "lemons" and help the oranges take over again.