Q.Natural Aphid Spray
We used your mineral oil spray mixture for aphids last year and it seemed to help reasonably well, even though we were already seriously under attack. But now, looking it up again in your site, I am stunned to see that you must keep plants treated with it OUT OF THE SUN. How is that possible in a garden? Did you really mean to say that? Also, where can one find aphid predator bugs?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Generally, plants are to be treated during cloudy days. However, there is an organic spray that can be used anytime, regardless of sun, and is perfectly safe for plants, people, and pets. This is neem oil and it's very effective in treating aphids. Here is more info: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm