Q.Native Plant Selection For Shade
Catskill Mountains zone 5-6….shaded area, dappled sun, pine trees, rocky soil. Looking to put in ferns, mosses (already naturally there) and ground cover of vinca and choosing plants for season (spring: virginia bluebells for example) what other summer fall flowers for this environment can you suggest? Love Allium…but they need sun.

Hydrangea arborescens is native to New York. It starts blooming probably late Spring or so in NY. The blooms go through a series of color changes before ending in brown. They stay attached to the plant through Spring or thereabouts, when they finally fall. Or you can deadhead them early, of course. It prefers acidic soils but you can amend the soil if it is alkaline using garden sulfur. They like dappled sun or morning sun (until 10-11am) but prefer afternoon & evening shade for sure.