Q.Name of Weed
Need to identify a weed in our lawn at Cromwell. It is like a prostrate, creeping clover-like plant with small yellow flowers. Please tell me the name of it.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Like others have posted... Oxalis. Now the trick is pulling it up before the little okra-like pods burst open sending the next generation out!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is probably either Yellow Trefoil or Yellow Oxalis.
If it is the same thing I have in my lawn it is creeping buttercup. Very invasive, spreads, and really does "creep" over the ground. Hard to kill but do your best or it will take over!
It could be a creeping jenny, which is a small yellow weed similar to a buttercup, only with smaller petals, it is a pretty little weed, but rather invasive and spreads very quickly. Get rid.
Oxalis. very common.
if it is like a clover leaf but very small and a yellow flower it look like the Oxalis plant
Black medic-fits this description