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Zucchini Plants

Q.My zucchini’s, melons and cucumbers are flowering a lot but they are not producing any fruit. Why?

Zone Montreal, QC, Canada | Tara added on July 31, 2018 | Answered

Light is limited to 4 hours direct in midday.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 1, 2018

There are two separate flowers. Male, and female. Usually, the males will show long before female so that there will be pollen around. Females will show up, and have a small fruit on the bottom. Once they are pollinated they will swell into fruit.

Most of the time, this takes patience. Sometimes, if it is hot and dry out, then it will take a lot longer before you see female flowers. Once it is cool, and a little more humid, they will show up.

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