Q.My Zucchini Fruit Is Turning Yellow At The Blossom And Dry Up What Can I Do?
Why are my zucchini turning yellow and falling off the plant. What do I do to correct this problem

This is normal, especially when the plant is young. Fruit that has not been pollinated by insects will not grow to mature size. At first, they look like they will but end up rotting (this is a fruit that did not get pollinated in time). Zucchini have both male and female flowers on them. The female flowers have a long, skinny neck; the male flower has a short neck. To help them along, you can take a small paint brush and brush the inside of the male flower to collect the pollen and then touch the female flower with the pollen. As your zucchini plant matures (gets bigger) you will find more of both flowers on it and hence more insects will do the job for you.