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Q.My Zone In Haines, Alaska?

Anonymous added on October 15, 2011 | Answered

Hi. 3 questions: What zone is Haines, Alaska in? Also, about how much water should I add monthly during the winter to my tulips and daffodils, which will be planted in in wine barrel liners? They will be stored below my mostly-enclosed house, which is dry but does get to about 0 degrees F. for a couple of weeks or so in winter; usually it’s in the 20’s or teens.

Lastly, would a closet in my back bedroom (which is empty) be a good place to store my upright begonia bulbs over the winter? It is about 55 to 60 degrees in there, usually. Is that too hot to store them? Would under the house be better?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 15, 2011

It looks like you are either a 4 or 5 zone. I would double check with the Alaska Extension Service though on that (http://www.uaf.edu/ces/).

I would give the tulip bulbs a gallon of water per planter once a month. That is about all they need.

The begonias will be fine in the closet.

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