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Yucca Plants

Q.yucca plant had a bad winter inside

Zone Northern Virginia | Scdev57 added on April 4, 2015 | Answered

My yucca plant had a bad winter inside. It’s outside now but its leaves are yellow and dry. Can it be saved?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 5, 2015

What care did the plant receive indoors over the winter in terms of water, nutrients and lighting? The most common reasons for yellowing leaves are lack of water and lack of sunlight, as discussed in the article below:

Your yucca plant may be revived with a little TLC. Give it a good drink, make sure it's in a sunny location, give it a little fertilizer and cross your fingers. Good luck.

For more information on the care of yucca plants, please visit the following links:

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