Q.My weeping cherry tree doesn’t look to good
I live in Pinckney, Michigan and we all know what a tough winter we had. I noticed a lot of the flowering trees, i.e. forsythias, did not have much color to them this spring. I am concerned about my weeping cherry and wondering if it has a chance to come back. Should I prune what is dead looking? It did not flower at all and has a few leaves, so I am hopeful.

I would wait awhile, give it time to launch as many leaves as possible. Then you can go ahead and prune, especially cutting out the dead material. Start at the tips of the branches, bending them to see if they are pliable, or crispy. Crispy means dead, so cut back to where the live tissue starts. This article has information on pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/weeping-cherry/pruning-weeping-cherry.htm