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Schefflera Plants

Q.My Umbrella Plant (Schefflera ) Falling Leaves

Zone Jordan | Anonymous added on September 20, 2021 | Answered

Hello so I have a large Umbrella Plant for a few months now since I got it I noticed that every 2 days a whole group of leaves become dark brown and they fall some leaves got that dark spots in random areas around the leaf but soon they fall as well I also noticed some kind of insects not a plant bugs tho but more like small beetle insect coming out of the plant each time I try to clean it so far I tried using insecticide but it seems like there is still more in the plant it is located in south facing window and gets so much indirect sunlight I water it when the soil dry out which is 2 times a week I have no idea what else should I do to save my plant any help would be appreciated Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 2, 2021

Two times a week is a lot of water for a schefflera. I suggest letting it dry out more between waterings. Try spraying the plant with Neem oil to get rid of the pest. It will also help if a fungal infection is causing the dark spots and leaves. Also they don't need to be fertilized, so hold back on that if you are fertilizing.


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